Every: An Experiment

Every solves the problem of payments across networks by eliminating the need for interoperability between blockchains.

Today, most savvy crypto users are solving this problem by selling or sending an asset from one exchange to another to buy or receive a compatible asset that can be accepted on a particular blockchain.

How does it work (hypothetically?)

  • Choose the amount you’d like to send

  • Type in the recipients Mobile Phone Number, Wallet Address or Email

  • Connect your preferred payment method

  • Send

Why should this exist?

Remittances across borders is a multi-billion dollar industry. With crypto being the fastest and most secure method of payment, it is a sure-fire way to win. The problem is capturing the non-savvy user. The premise of Every is to attempt to agnostic-ify (this should totally be a word) the blockchain from the money. Yes, it is rooted in the core technology and methodologies, but much like the internet - you don’t know need to know how it works in order to use it.